Leading to transform culture and influence change through intentional leadership training
Purpose - To learn from an experienced and trusted advisor.
If you submit yourself to the teaching and guidance of a mentor, the assumption is that you believe that the person has something you need.
Principles of Mentorship
Mentors never want anything from you - they only want you to succeed.
Mentorship is done more by observations than instruction.
A mentee must submit to the mentor:
It is impossible to learn from someone if you do not submit to them.
A mentee must accept that the mentor is acting in their best interest.
A mentee must be willing to accept the mentors counsel.
A mentee must never abuse the privileges offered by a mentor.
A mentor will give you access to such things as there private contacts, environment or home. Mentors will give you access to the things that they are reading, maybe access to their friendship and other relationships, even their venues, their market, or their audiences. The mentee must be very cautious not to abuse any of those privileges.
The mentee must initiate the pursuit of the mentor.
Mentoring is done by the request and desire of the mentee. The mentee determines the amount of learning that is attained and we are there to the degree they desire. The mentor does not do the work, but the work is done by the mentee.
The learner must not sit around and wait for the mentor to teach or to development the mentee, because the mentor is usually quite busy and often preoccupied. The one who wants to learn must pursue the mentor. You must invest personal resources in pursuit of the mentor. This will include your time, money, resources (attending retreats, conferences, symposiums, etc.)
Power of Questions
Use questions to pull from the mentor. Do not try to talk to much to try to impress the mentor. You can not learn if you are talking. You must force the mentor to talk. Your questions are your POWER. Do not tell them all you are doing, how much power you have or how anointed you are.
Mentorship Opportunities:
The School of Influence for Agents of Change
Agents For Change Virtual Mentorship Program
Life Coaching