Leading to transform culture and influence change through intentional leadership training

Advancing the Kingdom of God one house, business, park, and coffee shop at a time. Our generation is longing for spiritual mothers and fathers that will help them discover their purpose, vision and true potential. To accomplish this, discipleship is necessary and only possible in an environment of authentic, simple and transparent relationships.
Kingdom Community International empowers, mentors and supports leaders to become spiritual mothers and fathers in discipleship groups according to their sphere of influence in a creative and simplistic way. This may be accomplished in their homes, businesses or any public place.
As ambassadors, we are the ekklesia and have been conferred upon the Kingdom of God (Luke 22:29). Our heart is not a religious organization or to build buildings, but to advance the Kingdom of God through the hearts of men.
Our mandate is simple: to make disciples of all nations. We believe this is done when leaders discover their life purpose and vision then are truly activated in their profession to impact with the power and principles of the Kingdom of God. They in-turn start the process of mentoring and empowering others with the same philosophy of leadership.
“For though you may have ten thousand teachers in Christ, you do not have many fathers. Through the Good News I became your father in Christ Jesus”
I Corn 4:15
-Vision -
To provide a support system for empowering & mentoring individuals as leaders in establishing embassies for the purpose of discipling others.
- Purpose -
- Mandate -
Then Jesus came to them and said, " All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. " Matt 28:18-20
And when you go, preach this message : the Kingdom of God has arrived!
KCI In Action
Imagine a global community that does not finance buildings yet rather one another, benevolence and advancing
the Kingdom of God in the local & global community.
Visualize building relationships where there is accountability and authenticity thus producing true mentorship. Envision developing these people according to their purpose, gifts, vision and launching them as leaders into their destiny for their nation.
This is the heart of Kingdom Community International. To empower leaders according to their unique gifting to truly fulfill our mandate of influencing and impacting their nations for the Kingdom of God.
Spiritual Mothers & Fathers
We all desire spiritual moms and dads to mentor or coach us through this life. There are countless people who have never been fathered or mothered spiritually, let alone even in the natural sense. A spiritual father or mother helps a spiritual son or daughter reach his or her God-given potential, discover their gifts and release them into destiny. This community is a spiritual family.
Rather than focusing on meetings and buildings which promote programs, we believe God is restoring the sense of spiritual family, ekklesia, discipleship and leadership with accountability. Healthy families multiply and therefore more embassies are formed as you develop leaders who in turn empower others.
Church as Community (outward-focused)
Church happened for Jesus and the 12 disciples as they formed a community that learned, lived and served together.
It first happened for Paul when he told a women’s prayer meeting in Philippi the good news of the Kingdom of God, then gathered and taught them in the home of their leader, Lydia. A house church that met in Lydia’s home was exactly how God wanted it – nothing fancy, just a community of people built around the leadership gifts of a businesswoman who opened her home to Paul and his coworkers (Acts 16:14-40) There was a very natural flow of church as the early ekklesia lived, worked, prayed, shared meals and resources together (Acts 10:22-48; 12:12). Church was how they lived, not a place where they attended.
It happens today when a family invites a few friends over for a meal on a regular basis and seeks to grow together as they learn to seek the Kingdom first and remain in right-standing with their government.
What Does a Embassy Look Like?
Small Kingdom communities work, not only because they are biblical, but also because they get people involved, produce accountability and reproduce leaders, along with the added bonus of functioning in close proximity to those who are not in the Kingdom of God. Meetings are flexible and fluid and can take place in any location. Church can be as simple as gathering around a meal at a cafe, to meeting in a business boardroom, to laughing and fellowshipping in the park, a mall, art gallery, factory or youth center.
House churches are stand-alone church that happen to be small enough to meet in home or businesses. After filling their limited space, they grow through multiplication rather than increasing their membership.
Church is the people living their lives in an extended spiritual family as they focus on discipling and mentoring one another and reaching OUT to those who are not in the Kingdom of God. House churches should never be exclusive entities cut off from the rest of the Body of Christ.
Role of a Head Ambassador:
KCI’s leadership philosophy is to facilitate, release and encourage leaders. The goal of a good teacher is not to do all the teaching, but to get others to do the teaching, to get a learning and discovery discussion going and to get the Word into people’s lives. To have the heart of a spiritual mother or father. To be plugged in relationally with KCI by annually attend a Kingdom Training Seminar conducted by either Dr. Myles Munroe in the Bahamas (August) or any retreat held by Trista Sue Kragh in Naples, Florida.
Basic Values of an Embassy:
Teaching of the gospel of the Kingdom of God as the government of God, not a religion.
Teaching others everything that our King Jesus taught us and to obey the laws of the Kingdom of God (remain in right-standing)Matt 6:33 & Matt 28:18-20.
Remain outward-focused in the community rather than inward.
Relationship – for many will come into the Kingdom because of their connections with spiritual fathers and mothers who naturally exhibit love.
Freedom to be creative
Develop leadership potential in individuals (encouraging in their gifts, purpose & vision)
Jesus as our Example:
Successful house churches follow the example of Jesus and imitate the natural progression of what He did. He prayed, He met people, He made disciples as He gathered them close to Himself, and then He selected leaders to multiply the impact of His Kingdom.